While there is no alternative for a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, supplements can help bridge the gap by providing you with critical vitamins and minerals that you may be lacking.

But how can you know which vitamins are appropriate for women in their thirties?

If you've ever walked down the supplement aisle at your local supermarket or health food shop, you'll understand what I mean. It's exhausting! Bottle after bottle of vitamins, minerals, "miracle pills," and other supplements.

If your healthcare professional has tested you and discovered that you are deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, you should certainly follow their recommendations for further measures.

Having said that, as a woman in her 30s and licensed health coach and personal trainer, I use a variety of vitamins on a regular basis.

The 5 Best Supplements For Women In Their 30’s

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The Best Supplements For Women In Their 30’s

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids – this means that our body cannot produce them itself, so we need to get them from outside sources.

There are an incredible amount of health benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids, including:

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, omega-3 fatty acids may also help to control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis.

But despite omega-3 fatty acids being an integral part of a health body, according to this study by Nutrition Journal, many adults are deficient in omega-3, and supplementation is recommended.

I highly recommend these Omega-3 supplements from Viva Naturals. Unlike other omega-3 supplements, Viva Natural’s omega-3 supplements have no fishy aftertaste and are never made from farm-raised fish, only sustainable, wild caught fish.

Vitamin D

According to the Vitamin D council, vitamin D is needed to to help absorb calcium. Calcium helps to prevent osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become brittle.

Calcium is widely available in many foods, including dairy products and dark green leafy vegetables, so a supplement is not usually needed if you’re eating a balanced diet (but check with your healthcare provider if you think you might be suffering from a calcium deficiency.)

Conversely, there are very few food sources of vitamin d (fatty fish like wild-caught tuna and mackerel are a couple of sources.)

Additionally, your body can actually make vitamin d from the sun, which it then stores for later. However, most people don’t get enough sun (and in winter, it may be impossible to get any sun at all.)

And due to the risks of skin cancer from excessive sun exposure, most people use sunblock and/or wear protective clothing, further reducing the amount of vitamin d production.

This is why it’s important to take a vitamin d supplement, particularly in the winter months.

In addition to helping prevent osteoporosis, WebMD states that there are numerous other health benefits of vitamin d, including possibly reducing the risk of certain cancers and diabetes, and lowering the chance of a heart attack.

I take this NatureWise Vitamin D3 supplement daily. It’s made with certified organic olive oil and provides the same form of vitamin d as sun exposure, without the risks of skin cancer.


Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said that “all disease begins in the gut.” Modern science has shown just how true this is.

70% of our immune system is located in our gut, so maintaining a healthy gut is incredibly important. I’ve written before about 10 ways to get a healthier gut, but taking a probiotic is one of the most important keys to good gut health.

There are about 100 trillion (yes TRILLION) bacteria that line our gut, and they’re all working together to to help protect our body from harmful invaders.

However, there is also plenty of bad bacteria that is trying to kill off the good guys. There a number of culprits that kill off good bacteria, with the most common being antibiotics (one of the most incredible and important innovations of modern medicine, but harmful to the gut at the same time.)

Taking a daily probiotic is an excellent way to help replenish the good bacteria in your gut. I recommend this Deep Immune Optimum Probiotic as it requires no refrigeration (so great for traveling) and unlike other probiotics, it not only supports the good bacteria, it also helps to crowd out the bad.


While no supplement can replace a healthy diet, most of us just don’t get the recommended intake of fruits and vegetables every single day.

Health experts recommend that we eat at least 5-9 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, however, studies have shown that for optimal health we really should be eating 10 servings or more.

I’m going to be honest here and say that even though I eat a very healthy diet, full of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, I definitely do not eat 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every single day. I’m positive that I’m not alone in this!

This Performance Inspired Whole Food Multivitamin contains whole food concentrates, 1 billion CFU of probiotics and branch chain aminos, and it’s very reasonably priced for such a high quality multivitamin.


Antioxidants work to protect your body from the free-radicals we’re constantly exposed to. Left to their own devices, free radicals cause cell damage and contribute to wide variety of diseases, including cancer.

In fact, this article from the International Journal of Biomedical Science explains how the accumulation of free radicals can generate oxidative stress which can cause illnesses such as:

They’re definitely something you want to be fighting against.

Antioxidants can be found in the food we eat, with WebMD listing red, pinto and kidney beans, artichokes, and various berries including blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries as excellent sources of antioxidants.

However, most of us don’t eat a perfectly balanced diet all the time. That’s why I like to take an antioxidant supplement, to ensure that I’m getting maximum health benefits.

I love this Amazing Grass Green Superfood Antioxidant.

*Note – if you’re pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, it’s a good idea to take folate to help prevent neural tube defects.

It’s important to remember that no amount of supplementation can fix an unhealthy diet. The majority of your vitamins and minerals should be coming from the foods you eat.

However, it’s unrealistic to think that everyone is going to eat a “perfectly balanced diet” that provides us with all of the essential nutrients we need.

That’s why it’s important to choose high-quality supplements to ensure optimal health and wellness.